Turn About…Is Fun

Sandy Huse in her studioSculptor and woodturner Sandy Huse has a background in theatrical design…and a wood-scented studio filled with intriguing items!

Sandy will be one of more than 100 featured artists who will be displaying her work this Sunday, November 18th, as part of Arroyo Arts Collective’s Twentieth Annual “Discovery Tour.”

This all-day, self-guided tour starts at 9:30 at the Lummis House, and continues till 5:00, at your own pace, throughout the Eagle Rock, Highland Park and Mount Washington areas.  There will be free shuttle buses, stopping at selected studios and workspaces…or, you can explore the participating artists’ areas on your own.

Look for Sandy in metalworker Heather McLarty’s garden; she’ll be exhibiting some of her sculpture, as well as her gift items.  When you see her, look for two especially cool gifts she creates on her lathe: a wine bottle stopper that opens to be a small box…and a series of wood-turned Christmas ornaments!

Sandy talked about her woodworking, and her advice to fellow artists.

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Sandy Huse Interview, Part 2

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Talent Plus Humor


Stephanie Mercado in studio

Photograph courtesy of Eric Minh Swenson and used with permission.

Fine artist Stephanie Mercado makes you think…with a smile.

Stephanie creates prints, sculpture, paintings, and even dresses that make observations about the world she sees.  Her social statements are delivered with humor and a sense of fun, yet tend to stay in her viewers’ minds when they see her caricatures and couture.

And she’ll be welcoming visitors to her workspace, this  Sunday, November 18th, as one of more than 100 artists participating in Arroyo Arts Collective’s twentieth annual “Discovery Tour”.  Stephanie offered a preview of the work she’ll be exhibiting.


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Swirling Two Worlds Together

Fine artist Edem Elesh was born in Southern California…and educated in English boarding schools.  So he brings two very different perspectives to his easel!

Edem’s background as a professional musician evolved into his career as a professional artist.  He’ll be exhibiting his work this Sunday, November 18th, as part of Arroyo Arts Collective’s twentieth annual “Discovery Tour“.   The tour starts at 9:30 at the Lummis House, and is a self-guided special event, with free shuttle buses to select locations.  You’ll find Edem and about 100 other eclectic artists waiting to show, and discuss, their work in their homes and  studios!

Edem talked about the way in which his music led him to his current career, and offered a look at some of his work.

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Edem Elesh Interview, Part 2

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Sharing Values and Friendship

TROPA members, Pista/Fiesta 2012 at PCC

Pasadena City College has a number of student clubs.  The largest one–except for Associated Students–is TROPA, or The Reunited Organization of Pilipino Americans.

TROPA is more a family than a club.  Recently, their 2012 Annual Pista/Fiesta showcased Philippine culture with music, dance (including the traditional tinikling, which visitors were invited to try!) and a free–meal?  No.  More like a free feast!

TROPA treasurer Arvin Dicioco

TROPA treasurer Arvin Dicioco talked about his club, his experiences with TROPA, and their upcoming events–including Open Mike Night, happening from 4 to 7 today, November 16th in PCC’s Creveling Lounge.

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